Camouflage wants to go to the stars ?
It's about the complete lyrics of the Camouflage's song "On islands" from the album "Methods of Silence" (1989). And we remind you to check for an exclusive free mp3 available only this week.
On islands - From album Methods of Silence (1989)
On islands
we all run
onto islands
in the sun
and the sun too
is an island
with islands
all around
We're all islands
in the sea
and the islands
want to reach
other islands
passing by
an island
in the sky
On islands
all the islands
ever there
are all waiting
on an island
that island
stands alone
on islands
on islands
on islands
on islands
Somos todos iguales,
nacidos sobre nuestra propia isla, que se aleja siempre mas lejos
En la mas oscura profundidad del espacio buscamos
Todas las respuestas a los secretos que jamas aprendimos
Espero que haya una manera de encontrarlos
Tiene que haber otros mundos, otras islas
Tiene que haber... (*)
on islands
on islands
on islands
on islands
(*) We are all born equal,
on our own island, which ever further away
In the darkest depths of space we are looking for
All the answers to the secrets that will never learn
I hope we have a way to find them,
There must be other worlds, other islands
There has to be ...
Methods of silence, lo encontraste en gilbert joseph como low price en un canasto en el piso, te acordas?
Tenés razon, me habia olvidado... Es uno de los mejores albums de Camouflage.
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