If you are looking for a comprehensive list of Alan Moore's works, I advice you to take a look on http://www.4colorheroes.com/index.html
You can also download for free some rare works (comics, text, original script excerpts) such:
- Alan Moore contribution for the UK music paper Sounds from March 31st 1979 to March 19th 1983 (weekly comic strips).
- Captain Airstrip One from Mad Dog #10 published in 1985 (5 page solo comic story of Captain Airstrip One).
- Superman Protected Species (text) with illustrations by Bryan Talbot, published in the UK on The Superheroes 1984 Annual.
- I was Superman's Double (text) with illustrations by Bob Wakelin, published in UK on Superman 1985 Hardcover Annual.
- Batman The Gun (text) with illustrations by Gary Leach, published in UK on Batman 1985 Annual.
- Twilight of the Superheroes, a story proposal for DC which tells the story of the end of the DC universe as we know it.
... and more Moore @ http://fourcolorheroes.home.insightbb.com/free.html
In additon you can buy some comics and TPB.
Poster from Promethea #32